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Our team are experienced with handling insolvency

The technical definition of insolvency means the inability to pay one’s debts as and when they fall due. For individuals, this could well lead to bankruptcy and for companies a winding up and/or eventual dissolution of the company.

Our experience in this area of the law relates to the following:

  • Personal Insolvency (bankruptcy).
  • Statutory demand
  • Petitions in bankruptcy
  • Corporate insolvency (winding up)
  • Members voluntary liquidation
  • Creditors voluntary liquidation
  • Compulsory liquidation

As the economy is now in a recession, we are able also to advise on the consequences of actions taken by creditors, be they individuals or institutions, relating to:

  • Distressed debt
  • Personal guarantees
  • Claims made by trustees in bankruptcy or liquidators in respect of payments received by or from bankrupt individuals and companies in liquidation.

Articles related to
dispute resolution

Scullion -v- Bank of Scotland Plc (trading as Colleys) – [2010] EWHC 2253 (Ch)