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Italian / English Law Firm

Looking for a law firm to help with your expansion?

Here we will write a subheading that talks about how we help people in and out of UK focused on the specific country that the desk is aimed towards.

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An English law firm specialised in helping Italian businesses

The Italian speaking team in the firm’s London office offers advice on most legal aspects of doing business in the UK and in Italy including corporate structuring, business acquisition, employment and commercial disputes. With our Italian network of correspondents, we also assist UK businesses needing Italian law advice and guidance as to doing business in Italy.

We draw regularly on the support of our partner offices within the Warwick Legal Network in Rome, Milan, Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Rimini and Bolzano.

We have produced various guides on doing business in the UK for our Italian speaking clients.

We are active members of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the UK.


Consulenza per le imprese italiane che intendono svilupparsi nel Regno-Unito

L’ufficio legale ebl miller rosenfalck opera nell’ambito del business internazionale con una profonda conoscenza delle tematiche transfrontaliere. Lo studio fornisce assistenza a imprenditori, start-ups, privati e imprese pubbliche. Il desk italiano, diretto da Sabine Paul-Pettinicchio, è parte integrante dello studio. Questo team di avvocati è in grado di fornire consulenza legale sulla legge inglese, sia in lingua inglese sia in lingua italiana.

ebl miller rosenfalck fornisce consulenza e assistenza legale riguardo la maggior parte degli aspetti legali relativi al business nel Regno-Unito.

  • Creazioni di società, domiciliazione sede legale
  • Contratti commerciali
  • Proprietà intellettuale
  • Diritto del lavoro
  • Diritto dell’immigrazione
  • Compliance anticorruzione, protezione dei dati, lotta contro la schiavitù moderna
  • Fusioni e acquisizioni, ristrutturazioni societarie
  • Recupero crediti, controversie civili e commerciali

UK businesses

We advise and support UK-based companies wishing to grow their business internationally in mainland Europe and beyond.

Overseas businesses

We advise overseas companies wishing to trade with or set up a business in the UK. 

Meet our Italian/British team

Doing Business in Denmark

How to prevent grandma grandpa and yourself from getting ripped off online by Kelly Erb

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year